Fighting Melasma: oktober 2012 "".

onsdag 31. oktober 2012


My oldest boy dressed like a zombie and had a 1,5 hour trip around the block with his scary friends. 
No tricks by the way, no no no.. just be polite and everybody gets candy;)
He got enough candy for a while and its like this every year. Generous neighbours:)

Mom, dad and baby brother had enough fun with a pumpkin. Scary? Not this one!


mandag 29. oktober 2012

Three weeks in..

Red on the spots

Uh, slowly progress girls! 

It seems like my camera has lighten my forehead, Im not this pale?! I cant see any difference daily, - thankfully I got a camera to document this, Im sure I would have given up a long time ago without it!
My skin got irritated again and I havent used it every day. Its normal, and its recommended to slow down a day or two when it happens. Still some flaking, but never in the same amount as Obagi. 

The horrible storm "Sandy/Frankenstorm" in western US is hitting right now, 
we are following closely on TV and net. Scary!!

We hope everybody gets thru alive!

Its winter, and the candle lights are going to be used daily here, cosy and relaxing ;)

Im gonna continue yet another week on Pigmanorm;) See ya!


onsdag 24. oktober 2012

Link to basic info about Melasma

Im googling from time to time, and today I came opon this site. The basic about Melasma updated 2012 ;)
I havent been to the drugstore yet, - better get moving! Hopefully it doesnt start snowing, but it did hail a couple of hours ago...bad bad bad.. I havent spike tires yet, so the snow better stay away! 

Psst! Its easy to leave a comment you dont need to confirm, - or just choose what you think below ;)


tirsdag 23. oktober 2012

Two weeks in..

This picture is taken from an different angle!

Gaahh! Im starting to loose my morals!

 I havent been consistant this week, used it only about 50%. My spots are stuck!
Luckily the sun isnt shining to much or strong anymore, so I can be outside with good conscience. 
It is mid fall and the forrest is yellow, red and brown, my favorite time of the year! Our temperature is approx 4-8 C during the day but falling weekly, and next week we will change our cars tires to winter, spike-tires(state law). We might see snow any day.. brrr...
I still need to use sunscreen throught the winter, that so weird! We normally dont do that cause we dont get any color. The sun is "cold" and feels just annoying cause its low in the horision. Difficult to drive at times, - dont see anything! Scared to hit an pedestrian any day! 

Im just emptying my Pigmanorm, and need to go to the drugstore with my new prescripion from my doctor.
My Pigmanorm has lasted 6 months and now its starting to get "old" brownish cream. Maybe its why I dont get any big effect? 
The same happende with Obagi, so be aware of expire dates!

Pleace write to me if you have any questions, and pimp my morals ;)


lørdag 13. oktober 2012

One week in..

It has an effect, but had hoped for more! Im a little red on the last picture to, because I flaked 
and got quite red a couple of days this last week.  
I must try one more week ;)

This is what I use daily right now. Morning and night.
* Tretinoin cream (Retin A)
* Pigmanorm
* Obagi sunscreen SPF 35

Pleace contribute if you got pictures, or write a comment about your experience of these products :)


søndag 7. oktober 2012


This is me today.. Im still white in the middle of my forehead, pretty sure its a part of this disorder now.
Im using Pigmanorm(5% Hydroquinone) right now, and have been using this occasionally through the summer. 
I wonder if I must use Tretinoin(Retin A) at the same time..
Im starting today and Im gonna take daily pictures and post a follow-up in a week :) 

According to the spot I believed had dissapeared.. well Im not so possitive, but still dont know what happend. Im gonna watch it a bit more :)

Do you have before - after picture of you treatment? Pleace send me a picture! I can edit it if you cant do it yourself. (making it anonymous, just using a part of it)
