Fighting Melasma: mai 2013 "".

tirsdag 28. mai 2013

Copper problems?

The summer is on the way!
The sun rises at 03.50 and goes down in the sea at 23.04.
I have been getting tanner, and I really dont want it! 
But I can stop living my life outdoors thou I think so sometimes..


I have been googling a bit.. I might have some problems with copper in my body.
Ive got lighter parts around my face, visable on some recent pics below.
(You can see it very good on Flaking pigmanorm)
This might be a huge part of my skinproblem. 
Im gonna research some more, but my tought after googling is that Im gonna take
pills(suppliments) for zinc. This may balance my copper. 

onsdag 22. mai 2013


We`ve got some sunny days lately(well its heavy rain right now!) so I`ve become tanner all over my face. I went to the beach with white patches of sunscreen(thick) over my spots to stop the sun hitting them. I still feel the spots got attacked! Damn!! Im gonna continue using Pigmanorm Im afraid..

When I see these pictures from afar I see there is a difference, - but not enought!

My new blog, check it out here! An rare interest I guess, anyone else who loves pearls? 

onsdag 8. mai 2013

Starting again

Me and my family biking in our neighbourhood. Just 7-8 C(45 F)but we still stopped to 
buy some icecream! We cant wait untill its warm outside here up north,
 then it wont be much icecream each year;)


I`ve put Pigmanorm away for a week now. The skin still flaked 4-5 days after.
Im starting on again today, using Tretinoin at the same time. 
Why? I feel the flaking accelerate using both, so the result comes faster. 

(Retin A, prescription from doctor)


torsdag 2. mai 2013

Resting a bit

Im having some days "off" Pigmanorm now. Resting my skin a bit. 
So Im enjoying the spring instead, some sunny days, some sleet/haily days, some rainy days and some windy days.
Quite often a little bit of everything on the same day ;) 

Remember to use sunscreen! 
Have a nice weekend
