Fighting Melasma: Starting again "".

onsdag 8. mai 2013

Starting again

Me and my family biking in our neighbourhood. Just 7-8 C(45 F)but we still stopped to 
buy some icecream! We cant wait untill its warm outside here up north,
 then it wont be much icecream each year;)


I`ve put Pigmanorm away for a week now. The skin still flaked 4-5 days after.
Im starting on again today, using Tretinoin at the same time. 
Why? I feel the flaking accelerate using both, so the result comes faster. 

(Retin A, prescription from doctor)


1 kommentar:

Natural Herbs Clinic sa...

There are numerous Medical Treatment for Melasma which might improve the presence. Superficial pigmentation is easier to treat than deep pigmentation. If melasma happens during pregnancy, it might resolve on its own within a few months after delivery and recovery may not be required.