Obagi NuDerm is quite expensive. It didnt take away my dermal Melasma, but faded it a lot as you can see. But it did remove epidermis Melasma that probably was hormon-related after giving birth - for sure.
My skin wasnt as oily as seen on first picture, I had just put lotion on it!
The biggest difference in color happend in the first 14 days.
To sum up this skin system - excessive flaking, redness and soreness. Some days very bad, some days better. But it did help, and it did reduce wrinkles and tighten my skin. So Im very satisfied.

I can tell you that even a part of this dermal Melasma over left eyebrow disappeared just recently(about 14 days ago). I peeled of a thicker skinflake than normally and it was colorfree underneath. I was kinda shocked!
Usually the flaking is thin skin, so I cant see any huge daily difference of flaking. This flake seemed like several flaking-layers in one.
I didnt get sore on this spot.
Im gonna watch it carefully a while to see if its gone forever, cause I wont tell lies about this or give anyone false expectations.
Maybe I just desperately want to see difference in my Melasma and have been dreaming this?!
I gonna try the same procedure on another part of my Melasma from tonight. Just to check if it really can happen again:)
Im gonna update!
Update 28 may 2013, 2 years after use
This system helped me get rid of Chloasma(hormonrelated "Melasma") but didnt help for my Melasma. It did help reduce the spots but they reappar in the sun anyway. I did use it for 40 days, not 4 months that is recommended, be aware of that..
My best advice, always use sunscreen - even on rainy days!
I hope you will find our way of handling this illness, Im still struggling;)
Pleace tell me your experience, girls around all the whole world stops by this post;)